2016. Vol. 18. Issue. 1-2 (89-90)

Contents (in Russian) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Publishers and editorial board …………………………………………………………………………………….. 5

From editors

SCHERBINA V.V. (Moscow) Management: from theory to practice. Foreword to current issue .. 7
REZNIK Yu.M. (Moscow) The mission of philosopher in contemporary world ……………………… 9

Classical heritage

GARFINKEL H. Conditions of successful degradation ceremonies (trans. V.G. Nikolayev) ……13
INNIS H.A. Minerva’s owl (trans. V.G. Nikolayev) ………………………………………………………..21

Theory and methodology

BEKAREV A.M. (Nizhny Novgorod), PAK G.S. (Nizhny Novgorod) Reflectivity versus
equilibrium: a practice of managerial decision-making ……………………………………………………..42
REZNIK Yu.M. (Moscow) Philosophy as metaprojecting practice …………………………………….49
TOSCHENKO Zh.T. (Moscow) Toward a classification of approaches
in sociology of management ……………………………………………………………………………………….67

Organization and management

KOZYREV G.I. (Moscow) Organizational change and social conflicts ……………………………….79
RESHETNIKOVA K.V. (Moscow) On using a concept of social organization
in management studies ………………………………………………………………………………………………93
SCHERBINA V.V. (Moscow), POPOVA E.P. (Moscow) A problem of rationalization
of managerial activity in business organization. Part 3 …………………………………………………… 106

Social mechanisms and technology management

TIKHONOV A.V. (Moscow), KORNILOVICH V.A. (Moscow). Social strateging
as a mechanism of explication of settlement’s interests in governmental systems …………………. 119
SCHERBINA V.V. (Moscow) The goal-providing rationalizing diagnostic
social technologies in management ……………………………………………………………………………. 135

Human being in a universe of liberty

PELIPENKO A.A. (Moscow) Problem of liberty and culturalanthropological types …………… 149
NIKIFOROV A.L. (Moscow) The individual of liberalism and his morality ………………………… 161


KRUKHMALYOVA K. (Moscow) From disciplinary matrix to author’s conception ……………. 178
PEREDELSKIY A.A., KORMAZYOVA I.B. (Moscow) Philosophy of humanism
and a general theory of sports ………………………………………………………………………………….. 185
RYABOVA M.E. (Moscow) Philosophy and translation:
Between interpretation and understanding ………………………………………………………………….. 193
SARAF M.Ya. (Moscow) On formation of philosophy of sports as a discipline ……………………. 200

BUSHMARINA N.N. (Moscow), STEPANOV N.A. (Ryazan) Thesaurus
of humansized pedagogy ………………………………………………………………………………………… 207
ORLOVETSKAYA A.G. (Moscow) Donation of blood as a social practice: Russian case ……… 213

NESTEROV P.V. (Moscow) On building a hypothesis of North-western Semitic
etymology of the concept of «Olympus», with reference to evidence concerning
proto-Olympic traditions of the Mediterranean area …………………………………………………….. 220
PEREDELSKIY A.A. (Moscow) The socialphilosophical theoretical
and methodological grounds of systemic approach in general theory of sports ……………………… 229
PEREPYOLKIN L.S. (Moscow) The structure of contemporary terroristic activity (article 2) …. 240

In memoriam

Pyotr Kondratyevich Grechko: condolences from colleagues …………………………………………… 251
REZNIK Yu.M. (Moscow) Man as a creator of his own time: in memory of P.K. Grechko ……. 253


GUREVICH P.S. (Moscow) New books by our colleagues …………………………………………….. 264
NIKOLAYEV V.G. (Moscow) The translational sociological literature in Russia
in 1990s – 2000s: A brief review and analysis ………………………………………………………………. 274
TIKHONOV A.V. (Moscow), RABINOVICH E.I. (Moscow) Those who appeal
to peace and tolerance ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 291

Information for readers

Contents (in English) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 300
Only in our journal: a list of translations of classical texts (1999-2016) …………………………….. 302