2016. Vol. 18. Issue. 3-4 (91-92)

Contents (in Russian) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Publishers and editorial board …………………………………………………………………………………….. 5

Editor’s foreword

REZNIK Yu.M. (Moscow) Human being in alienation area: In search of alternatives …………….. 7

Classical heritage

MEAD G.H. Natural rights and the theory of political institution (trans. V.G. Nikolaev) ……….. 26


PELIPENKO A.A. (Moscow) Neomodern manifesto ……………………………………………………..40
GLUKHOVA O.Yu. (Moscow) «Neomodern manifesto» of A.A. Pelipenko
as contemporary anti-utopia ………………………………………………………………………………………50

Personality and Society

MEN’ M.A. (Moscow), PIGROV K.S. (Saint Petersburg), SMIRNOV E.A. (Ivanovo)
Leader’s mission in civilization processes: In aspect of transcendental urbanity ……………………..57
MIKHAILOV I.F. (Moscow) Philosophic and cognitive aspects of conscious mental states
of personality ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….67


ALEKHNOVICH A.S. (Moscow) What is existential anthropology? ………………………………….75
ZENETS N.G., MAKSIMENKO L.A. (Omsk) The ethical explications of Heraclitean Logos ….83
SEREBRYAKOVA Yu.V. (Izhevsk) On a concept of «existential crisis» in modern philosophy …88

VOROBYOVA E.S. (Moscow) Tattooing as an object of study in social science and humanities … 96
ISAKOVA I.A., MIGUNOVA A.V. (Nizhny Novgorod) Mediation for youth:
possibility or necessity? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 103
KIRTOAKE A. (Moscow) The social project for reorganization of sphere of physical culture
and sport in Republic of Moldova: Experimental section ………………………………………………… 112
KONDRUKH A.I., PEREDEL’SKAYA R.A. (Moscow) The influence of trainer
and sports psychologist on mental organization of sportsman’s personality
in practical shooting (sociological aspects) ………………………………………………………………….. 120
LISINA E.A. (Ryazan) Formation of the system of moralpatriotic education of youth
in context of interaction between the State and civil society ……………………………………………. 125
PETROVA I.E. (Nizhny Novgorod) Religion and social work: two directions in their interaction .. 131
STEPANOV N.A. (Moscow) Socialization as a factor of modernization
of higher education (complex approach) …………………………………………………………………….. 139

ZENETS N.G., MIRONENKO T.V. (Omsk) Egotism: moral freedom or moral deadlock? ….. 146
KONIKOV S.L., PEREDEL’SKIY A.A. (Moscow) Fighting motion: psychophysical system
of fighting motion for you and your family …………………………………………………………………… 151
MAKSIMENKO L.A. (Omsk) The concept of «egos» in European culture ……………………….. 161
OGORODNIKOV A.Yu. (Moscow), DROZDOVA M.A. (Moscow) Reconstruction
of national idea in pluralistic world ……………………………………………………………………………. 169

VLASKIN V.Yu. (Nizhny Novgorod) Socialization aspects of occupational activities
of psychologist in military organization ………………………………………………………………………. 176
SKORKIN O.A. (Moscow) Rating in educational system: problem of measuring …………………. 184


OREKHOV A.M (Moscow) Social-humanitarian scholarship: the content
of research programs ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 195

Seminars and presentations

Phenomenological anthropology and project approach in philosophy: Materials of presentation
and discussion of «Phenomenology of man: Genesis of the possible» by Yu.M. Reznik ………….. 204
REZNIK Yu.M. (Moscow) Project philosophy as philosophy of action …………………………….. 206
GUREVICH P.S. (Moscow) Cherished imagery of human being ……………………………………… 209
PELIPENKO A.A. (Moscow) New book of Yu.M. Reznik: Notes of reviewer …………………….. 216

Essays and stories

NEMEYSKIY L. Antonovka. Death of Ivan Lukich. Writer’s morning …………………………….. 219

Professional credo

REZNIK Yu.M., PRONIN M.A. (Moscow) On the own self in profession and life:
experience of co-reflection ……………………………………………………………………………………… 234

Scientific life

GOFMAN A.B. (Moscow) Last summer in Montreal. The notes of Russian participant
of the 20th International Congress of francophone sociologists ……………………………………….. 248


GUREVICH P.S. (Moscow) New books of our colleagues ……………………………………………… 253
SIMONOVA O.A. (Moscow) Dynamics of sociological ideas and dynamics
of modern societies: on new book of A.B. Gofman ………………………………………………………… 263

Information for readers

Contents (in English) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 271
Only in our journal: a list of translations of classical texts (1999-2016) …………………………….. 273