2018. Vol. 20. Issue. 3-4 (99-100)

Contents (in Russian) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Publishers and editorial board …………………………………………………………………………………….. 5

Editor’s note

REZNIK Yu.M. (Moscow) The Russian personality today: metamorphoses of consciousness …… 7

Classical heritage

JAMES W. The principles of psychology. Chap. 10. The consciousness of self,
trans. by V.G. Nikolaev (continued) ……………………………………………………………………………..27
GOFMAN A.B. (Moscow) On «Moral education» by Emile Durkheim ……………………………….65
DURKHEIM E. Moral education (Lectures 27), introd. and trans. by A.B. Gofman ……………68

Issues of theory and methodology

DOKUCHAEV I.I. (Vladivostok) Antinomies of phenomenological analysis of experience ……..89


BEKAREV A.M. (Nizhny Novgorod) How far is postcapitalism? ……………………………………. 101

Organization and management

SCHERBINA V.V. (Moscow) Management as a special type of regulatory activity.
Distinctive traits and features of social management (Part 2) ………………………………………….. 108


ALEKHNOVICH A.S. (Moscow) Event ontology of subjectivity: structure and modes
of being in world ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 122
BUCHMA Yu.Yu. (Moscow) Anthropodicy of N.A. Berdyaev and his conception
of divine mission of human being ……………………………………………………………………………….. 131
SHVETSOVA L.N. (Moscow) Stages of elaboration of doctrine of noosphere
in Russia ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 141

ARUTYUNYAN K.S. (Ryazan) The path of development of philosophical ideas
concerning management: the main conceptions and models ……………………………………………. 145
KONIKOV S.L. (Moscow), PEREDEL’SKIY A.A. (Moscow) The socialeducational
system of martial arts in ancient Chinese treatises: Tao Te Ching …………………………………….. 151
NASRALLAH H.F. (Moscow), PEREDEL’SKIY A.A. (Moscow) On interrelations
of sport and politics in modern society (conceptual analysis) …………………………………………… 169
PAK G.S. (Nizhny Novgorod) From scholarly ignorance to wise not knowing,
or on decisionmaking in ignorancesociety ………………………………………………………………… 176
POPOVA O.V. (Moscow) A man and sport: from topachievement to commodification
of body and pharmacological contests ………………………………………………………………………… 183
RUMYANTSEVA E. (Moscow), PEREDEL’SKIY A.A. (Moscow) On philosophy
of physical culture and sport: Some methodological notes ………………………………………………. 193

GORDOVA T.V. (Ryazan), MYASNIKOV V.V. (Ryazan) The part of migratory processes in
demographic and socialeconomical development of Ryazan region ………………………………….. 198
DRONOV V.N. (Ryazan), GORDOVA T.V. (Ryazan), KUPRIYANOVA M.V. (Ryazan)
The global demographic trends of natural population movement ………………………………………. 205
SIMONOVA O.A. (Moscow) The sociology of emotions: the main principles and prospects ….. 212
FYODOROVA T.Yu. (Moscow) The modern autobiography as advertisingpromotional text …. 220
TSEGEL’NIY Yu.A. (Moscow) On foundations of systematic management in sphere
of physical culture and sport in municipal education ………………………………………………………. 225

ROMANOV D.D. (Moscow) «Silver age» as a sociocultural project ………………………………. 232
SENTEMOVA A.R. (Moscow) Andy Warhol as a popartist: the strategies
of selfpresentation ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 241

Theories and their authors

ZELENSKIY S.A. (Moscow) On «Understanding culture» by A.A. Pelipenko ……………………. 247
PELIPENKO A.A. Understanding culture (Part 3. Introductory section) …………………………. 252

Professional credo

REZNIK Yu.M. (Moscow), SMIRNOV A.V. (Moscow) Philosophy in search of meaning:
reflection of the Other and otherness (Part III) ……………………………………………………………. 267

In memoriam

Personal images of Oleg Skorkin (Reznik Yu.M.) …………………………………………………………. 286
Stormy El’na: In memory of prof. E.A. Orlova (Reznik Yu.M.) ……………………………………….. 293
In memory of the teacher: E.A. Orlova (Shapinskaya E.N.) ……………………………………………. 299
PRONIN M.A. (Moscow), SKORKIN O.A. (Moscow) Nikolai Aleksandrovich Nosov:
some biographical details ………………………………………………………………………………………… 300

Information for readers

Contents (in English) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 310