Contents (in Russian) 3
Publishers and Editorial Board 7
Editor’s Note
REZNIK Yu.M. Social reality: ideas and practices (finished) 10
Classical Heritage
WEBER M. Types of domination (continued, trans. by A.B. Rakhmanov) 22
GURVITCH G. The social frameworks of knowledge (Part 1. Ch. 1-3) (trans. by A.B. Gofman) 37
Trigger points of modernity from the G.H. Mead’s point of view: globalization, nationalism, war (forward to the translation by V.G. Nikolaev) 53
MEAD G.H. National-Mindedness and International-Mindedness (trans. by V.G. Nikolaev) 57
MOSCA G. Revolutions (trans. by A.B. Rakhmanov) 71
Robert Redfield and his concept of “folk society” under the context of Chicago tradition in social sciences (forward to the translation by V.G. Nikolaev) 88
REDFIELD R. The Folk Society (trans. by V.G. Nikolaev) 99
FEYERABEND P.К. Science in a free society. (Part 1) (forward to the translation and trans. by A.L. Nikiforov) 113
Philosophy in the World and the World of Philosophy. On 80’ anniversary of the Institute of Philosophy RAS
GUREVICH P.S. (Moscow) The crisis of value orientations 135
ROZIN V.M. (Moscow) The unity of history and philosophy as the problem of culturology (finished) 149
As a Discussion
Social philosophy in search of self-definition of its subject
POPKOV Yu.V., TYUGASHEV Ye.Ya. (Novosibirsk) On the subject of social philosophy (in continuation of the discussion) 158
From the History of Social Thought
TLOSTANOVA M.V. Decolonial project: from political decolonization to decolonization of thinking and consciousness 170
Politics and Society
GRININ L.E. (Volgograd) The evolution of statehood: from pre-state to supranational epoch 184
DEOTTE J.L. On the distinction between disagreement and discord (trans. by D.A. Skopin) 199
CASTLES S. Nation and empire: hierarchies of citizenship in the new global order (trans. by V.V. Ushakova) 212
Civil Society in Russia: Conditions and Prospects
KOVALEVA N.V., MERSIYANOVA I.V., YAKOBSON L.I. (Moscow) Monitoring of civil society conditions in Russia 224
SUVOROVA Ye.Yu. (Moscow) Conditions and development of civil society in Russia (analytical report) 231
Arts and Life
The image of sense: the painter Helena Gorina 240
Artistic world by Oleg Skorkin 258
Philosophy and Culturology
AGAPOVA N.G. (Ryazan) Sociocentric and personality-centric paradigms in education (culturology analysis) 265
VOLKOV M.P. (Ulyanovsk) Antique religion and the process of science making 272
ZAYTSEVA H.A., KAZAKOVA V.I. (Nizhniy Novgorod) Techniques in social space of information society 278
KARPOV A. (Moscow) Phenomenon of suffering in the philosophy of N.A. Berdyaev 288
KRAVCHUK P.F. (Kursk) Contradictions of the process of investigation into the problem of creative work 295
MAKAROV D.V., MAKAROVA S.N. (Ulyanovsk) The process of change of ideological cultural movements under the context of Christian anthropology model 300
MOCHALIN B.V. (Belgorod) Evolution of jazz as cultural process 307
PARENCHUK T.N. (Omsk) Evolution of functions of urban festive culture on 20th – 21th centuries 315
SADYKHOVA A.A. (St. Petersburg) From the history of interference of Western European and Arab-Muslim culture 321
SEMENOVA V.G. (Taganrog) Archeology of images of time 332
CHELOVENKO T.G. (Orel) Russian religious philosophy and Western European Phenomenology 339
SHEREMET A.A. (Omsk) Communication technologies and stages of change of contemporary social reality 347
OBIDINA Yu.S. (Yoshkar-Ola) Pythagor and his school: relation of religious mystique and mathematics rationalism 353
PODOL R.Ya. (Ryazan) Social theory and historical concept of N.A. Rozhkov 360
Economics and Sociology
APENKO S.N., KATUNINA I.V. (Omsk) The development of organization and human resources with a glance to sociocultural environment 367
KASHINA M.A., OSIPOVA D.V. (St. Petersburg) Commercial as the mechanism of gender stratification’ reproduction (by material of TV commercial analysis) 376
RYBOLOVLEVA Yu.V., SERGEYEV S.A. (Kazan) Social management in “hard organizations”: on the problem of classification of theoretical methodological approaches 388
Political Science and Law
DUNAYEVA N.V. (St. Petersburg) Legal opinions by M.N. Muravyov on peasant issue solving in Russia 396
NAZAROV A.Yu. (Moscow) Official and his values in modern society 403
FAYAZOVA S.S. (Ulyanovsk) Comparative analysis of social political processes in Egypt and Morocco under the context of democratization 411
Psychology and Pedagogic
AGAPOV P.V. (Ryazan) Social aggression: traditions in the problem investigation (from K. Lorenz to E. Fromm) 418
AREFYEVA N.T. (Ivanovo) The role of education within the system of global values 425
KATANAYEV I.I. (Chita) The analysis of higher professional education system in Mongolia under the context of integration processes 429
History and Philology
VOLKOVA A.A. (Ivanovo) Problems of higher education in contemporary American university prose 440
GRISHECHKINA G.Yu. (Orel) Some aspects of rhetoric of science fiction linguistic text 446
DUSHININA Ye.V. (Ivanovo) Visuality in literature 19th – the beginning of 20th century 452
ZUBOVA Zh.A. (Orel) Phraseology of Orel dialects as a reflection of perception of the world by native speakers (by material of greetings – wishes) 458
ILYIN L.Yu. (Volgograd) Linguistic world view and its reflection in regional toponymy 464LEBEDEVA A.V. (Ivanovo) Semantics of non-verbal components in the L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “Anna Karenina”: situation of personal contact 471
SUZI В.Н. (Petrozavodsk) Context of silence by Tyutchev and Dostoevsky 476
SCHEKOTIKHINA I.N. (Orel) The problem of term-making of notions about internal foundations of speech activity 482
Universities of Russia
The Udmurt state university 490
Scientific Life
Scientific events by Interdisciplinary Society of Social Theory and Editorial Board of the magazine “Personality. Culture. Society” in 2009 494
I International symposium “Social theory and problems of information-oriented society”, October 30-31 октября, 2009 (Izhevsk) 495
Innovative education programs: inner possibilities and export prospects (E.V. Kryazheva-Kartseva, P.K. Grechko, Moscow) 497
Stretching of one’s mind
NEMEAYSKIY LEV The pocket-book of trickster (continued) 500
GUREVICH P.S. (Moscow) New books of our colleagues 509
MURZIN A.E. (Yekaterinburg) Culture of South Ural: the path from local peculiarity to regional phenomenon 520
LAZAREVA V.V. (Moscow) Theoretical ground of advertizing and marketing decisions for oil companies 523
LEBEDEVA N.B. (Volgograd) Muslims and Islamic organizations in contemporary Russia: sociological studies on activity and dynamics 527
Greeting on jubilee
To 75th anniversary of Vadim Mikhajlovich Mezhuyev 532
Information for Readers
Membership of Public Councils of the Regional Sections of the Magazine “Personality. Culture. Society” (on September 1, 2008) 533
Instructions for Authors 537
Only in Our Magazine: A List of Translations of Classical Texts (1999–2008) 542
Contents (in English) 544