From the editorial board
The journal Personality. Culture. Society appeared in 1999, when a group of like-minded people, consisting of representatives of various scientific and educational institutions, started publishing the social-humanitarian scientific-practical magazine “Personality. Culture. Society “. For this, the editorial board and the editorial board have gathered around the journal serious intellectual forces of Russia, near and far abroad. Prominent Russian scientists and organizers of science and education collaborate with the journal: G.I. Goering, P.S. Gurevich, A.I. Dontsov, L.M. Drobizheva, A.A. Zinoviev, M.S. Kagan, V.N. Kuznetsov, N.I. Lapin, V.M. Mezhuev, K.Kh. Momdzhyan, E.A. Orlova, K.S. Pigrov, K.E. Razlogov, B.C. Stepin, V.A. Tishkov, Zh.T. Toshchenko, V.G. Fedotov, V.N. Shevchenko, V.V. Shcherbina, V.A. Poisons.
For the first time in Russia, translations of the works of the classics of sociology, political science, cultural studies, philosophy, and management theory were published on its pages. In total, more than eighty translations were published, carried out by order of the editorial office, including the works of G. Bateson, E. Burgess, M. Weber, E. Hoffmann, K. Clackhon, G. Cohen, K. Levi-Strauss, R. Linton, R.D. Mackenzie, B. Malinovsky, T.H. Marshal, J.G. Mead, G. Mosca, R. Merton, T. Parsons, V. Pareto, R.E. Park, F. Ratzel, A. Radcliffe-Brown, G. Simon, E. Tirikian, L.A. White, J. Fableman, R. Firt, J. Habermas and many other authors.
Publishing policies
The journal publishes articles on modern philosophy, social theory, methodology of social and scientific cognition, as well as research works. Materials of a fundamental nature, as well as works that analyze modern social processes taking place in Russia and in the world, are welcome. In accordance with the editorial and publishing policy of the journal, preference is given to articles of an interdisciplinary nature and linking scientific problems with the problems of other sciences about man and society.
The journal’s policy is based on a combination of dedication to serious academic research and attention to topical debate, discussion and dialogue in the field of the latest socio-humanitarian scientific developments. The journal is not just interdisciplinary, but it is not associated with any one direction or scientific school, providing a platform for a variety of authors and positions.
Perspective methodological approaches to the study of priority areas of socio-economic research are analyzed, as well as materials summarizing the results of empirical and applied research are presented. Preference is given to problem-oriented articles that meet the criteria of a comprehensive study and correspond to the interdisciplinary focus of the journal.
Submitted articles and materials cannot be limited to narrowly applied, descriptive and purely special aspects of the science in which you intend to obtain an academic degree or confirm your scientific qualifications. For publication, texts are accepted that have theoretical and conceptual substantiations, inscribed in philosophical, social-scientific and humanitarian problems.
If the article is of a theoretical and methodological nature, it is desirable that the author shows the significance of the results of his research for the applied sphere. Materials based on empirical research should contain an interpretation of the data that is important for understanding the problem in a broad theoretical context (within the framework of a broader social and humanitarian knowledge).
The title of the article should fully correspond to its content. Its main provisions are expanded research problems and contain an internal answer to the questions posed.
Sent to the editors of the article follows the accepted canons of scientific publications, indicate the exact instructions for the sources of all cited data and citations, containing a clearly marked component of novelty and originality, to be inscribed in the modern world and domestic scientific contexts.
When considering the sent texts, their structuredness, consistency, and the indicated designated results (conclusions) are taken into account. By submitting an article to the journal, the authors are personally responsible for the conscientious use of the data attracted and cited citations and links.
We draw your attention to the fact that one of the important requirements is the observance of the genre of the journal article. We, as a rule, do not publish from book chapters, monographs, dissertations, lectures and teaching materials. All these types of scientific and educational products must be radically revised so that they meet the requirements of a journal publication – in terms of subject matter, coverage of problems, composition, logic and style of presentation.
The topics of the journal
The priority directions of the journal’s publication were the methodology of a comprehensive study of man, culture and society, social theory, theory of culture and personality, theory of organizations and management, psychology, theory of state and law, gender studies, science of science, cross-cultural studies, Russian studies, social technologies and applied developments, pedagogy and methods of teaching social and humanitarian disciplines.
Scholarly debates
The interactive nature of the journal has been most fully expressed in a number scholarly debates and discussions, initiated by the editorial board.
The journal published materials of the four Scholarly Conferences “Humans, Culture and Society in the context of globalization” (see: V. 2. .: 2000 Issue 4, 2000. V. 2. Special issue. 1, 2001, Vol. 3. Issue 1-3, 2003. 5. V. Issues 1-4, 2003. 5. V. Special issue. 1-2, 2004. V. 6. Issues. 2 and 4), and the following seminars and round tables: “Power as an integration of humanities” (round table) (see: 1999. V. 1. issue 1), “Municipal Management: Theory and Practice” (round table) (see: 2000. Vol. 2. Issue 2), “Methodology of cognition in the spheres of humans, society and culture” (roundtable in RSU) (see: 2003 V. 5. Issue 3-4), materials of an interdisciplinary scholarly association meeting “Humans. Culture. Society” (see: 2003 V. 5. Special Issues Vol. 1-2), “Society Against Terrorism” (round table) (see: 2005. Vol. 5. Issue 1), “Time. Eternity. Oblivion” (round table) (see: 2005. V. 5. Issues 2-4), “Humans in the civil society: the problematic of identity “(round table) (see: 2005. Vol. 5. Issue 2) “Russia and the West in the context of Ukrainian events” (round table) (see: 2005. Vol. 5. Issue 2).
Besides, over the years the journal has published different materials of scholarly discussions that have received a wide recognition among the academic community. Thus, in 2002-2004 the journal granted its pages to the discussion on “Contemporary social philosophy: its subject and ways of development.” Fifteen well known scholars in the area of social philosophy and social theory took part in this debate, including Professor V.Zh. Kelle, V.S. Barulin, K.S. Pigrov, V.E. Kemerov, K.H. Momjian, Yu.M. Reznik (see: 2002. Vol. 4, Issues 3-4), M.S. Kagan, V.I. Razumov, N.S. Rozov, S.E. Yachin (see: 2003 Volume 5. Issues 1-4), P.K. Grechko, S.E. Krapivensky, V.N. Shevchenko, V.G. Fedotova (see: 2004 Vol. 6. Issue 1). The second major forum documented in the pages of our journal was devoted to the status of contemporary cultural studies and its correlation with other disciplines of culture. M.S. Kagan, V.M. Mezhuev, E.A. Orlova, V.L. Rabinovich (see: 2004. V. 6. Issue 2), N.G. Bagdasarian, P.S. Gurevich, A.A. Pelipenko, A.J. Flier (see: 2004. V. 6. Issue 3), V.M. Rozin (see: 2005 V. 7. Issue 1) took part in this discussion.
Our readers
The main audience of our journal consists of people who are an active and permanent part of the academic and socio-political processes of contemporary society, of professional scholars and social practitioners. Young researchers demonstrate a particular interest in our journal as they value the possibility of getting acquainted with the tradition of academic thought and being able to take part in the academic debates. Often, the journal is approached by various representatives of political parties, who are interested in the publications of various positions of individual scholars offered in the journal, and the professional analysis of the current socio-political and cultural situation in this country. The journal is in high demand among students of philosophy, sociology, psychology, cultural studies, social and cultural anthropology, organization and management, economics and law, education and psychology. Thanks to the journal they get an opportunity to learn about the current academic and scholarly trends and get an access to the classical heritage.
The journal is open to all interested individuals and organizations.
Dear Colleagues! We cordially invite you to build a creative collaboration with our journal.