Contents (in Russian) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Publishers and editorial board …………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Editor’s note
REZNIK Yu.M. (Moscow) State social policy and human lifeworld ……………………………………. 7
Classical heritage
JAMES W. The principles of psychology. Chap. 10. The consciousness of self (continued) ……….24
Issues of theory and methodology
KUZ’MIN A.A. (Veliky Novgorod) Vital worldgenesis and imaginary world of Renй Descartes….49
LAPIN N.I. (Moscow) The roads of sociology to the problem of complexity of modern
transformation of Russian society ………………………………………………………………………………..55
SVIRSKIY Ya.I. (Moscow) From authenticity to individuation ………………………………………….. 67
Ideology and society
BEKAREV A.M., PAK G.S. (Nizhny Novgorod) The time of ideology ……………………………….84
GLUKHOVA O.Yu. (Moscow, Cheboksary) Metaphysical grounds of ideology
as a socialphilosophical problem ……………………………………………………………………………….. 91
RAZUMOV V.I. (Omsk) Ideology as a factor of change in science and education in Russia …….97
Organization and management
SCHERBINA V.V. (Moscow) Management as a special type of regulatory activity.
Distinctive traits and features of social management (Part 1) ………………………………………….. 104
KOZYREV G.I. (Moscow) Models of conflict management in organization ………………………. 118
FYODOROV N.Yu. (Moscow) Toward a theory of human capital: economical origins
and prevalent social content …………………………………………………………………………………….. 130
GIRENOK F.I. (Moscow) Malevich and modern art ……………………………………………………. 141
ROSTOVA N.N. (Moscow) Philosophy of «metaphysical painting» of Giorgio de Chirico …….. 149
Contemporary Russian sociology: the present condition and prospects (A.M. Bekarev,
I.F. Devyatko, O.M. Zhuravlyov, V.G. Nikolaev, O.A. Oberemko, D.G. Podvoyskiy,
V.V. Radaev, Yu.M. Reznik, D.M. Rogozin, V.V. Scherbina) ……………………………………………. 158
REZNIK Yu.M. (Moscow) Russian sociology in search of civilization identity:
the notes of outsider ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 192
BUCHMA Yu.Yu. (Moscow) Inquiries into divine nature of human being
in Russian religious philosophy …………………………………………………………………………………. 209
GORDOVA T.V., SOKOLOV A.S. (Ryazan) Marxism as intellectual tradition
(To bicentenary of Karl Marx) …………………………………………………………………………………. 217
KLINKOVSKAYA Yu.Ya. (Ryazan) Globalization as a social-philosophical problem ………….. 224
KRIMAN A.I. (Moscow) Conceptions of Russian cosmism and transhumanism …………………. 228
PYL’KIN A.A. (Saint Petersburg), PYL’KIN V.A. (Ryazan) Baudrillard and Heidegger:
the ontological dimension of poststructuralist thought ………………………………………………….. 234
ARUTYUNYAN K.S. (Ryazan) The concepts of «government» и «management»
in contemporary philosophy (conceptual analysis) ………………………………………………………… 239
BALAEVA O.E. (Moscow), PEREDEL’SKIY A.A. (Moscow) The modern ethical model
of formation of responsibility in sports ……………………………………………………………………….. 244
PEREDEL’SKIY A.A. (Moscow) Sport ethics or ethics in sport? …………………………………… 248
ABROSIMOVA E.E. (Vladivostok) Child segment in video blogosphere:
structure and functions …………………………………………………………………………………………… 252
BALAEVA O.E. (Moscow) Value attitudes of students of sport higher education establishments .. 258
RUSHEVA A.V. (Nizhny Novgorod), TYURINA N.I. (Nizhny Novgorod) Friendship
in workplace (sociological analysis) …………………………………………………………………………… 264
Professional credo
DUBROVSKIY D.I. (Moscow), REZNIK Yu.M. (Moscow) Philosopher and war
(thinking aloud) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 272
REZNIK Yu.M. (Moscow), SMIRNOV A.V. (Moscow) Culture and meanings: reflection
of the Other and Otherness (Part 2) ………………………………………………………………………….. 291
In memoriam
REZNIK Yu.M. (Moscow) Unfinished interview: In memory of B.G. Yudin ………………………. 312
GAVROV S.N. (Moscow) On guard of European culture. Andrey Pelipenko: the scholar,
the artist, the mystic ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 317
Information for readers
Only in our journal: list of translations of classical texts (1999-2018) ……………………………….. 321
Contents (in English) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 323